Sunday, November 4, 2007

Denial Global

So pleased to inform you that your applications been accepted
starting from the time you get this letter
your life will be one never-ending hope you're feeling better
-Dresden Dolls

Dear (Employer),

I will not be returning to (insert employer) after the Christmas Holidays. For a number of reasons but mainly I could not handle another year, much less another month, in an environment filled with double standards. For instance, we are paid nothing compared to the responsibility we are given. We are asked to follow up with producers, call stations, handle monitored and RADAR, work on posts as well as handle any problem that will come up during the course of the day. And
why are we balancing much more than one person can handle under imaginary deadlines that only get pushed back if you see fit . Why should we should we do anything when we are only berated for the things we do wrong? We are not appreciated
for the work we do and that is evident in the pay we are given. Obviously you pay us what you think we are worth because I know receptionist who are paid more.

I understand that all employees must pay their dues at the beginning of their careers and work towards getting a raise. However, the raises that are given within this institution are just as degrading as our salary. Not to mention it's a joke that you expect us to live off of 8.50 an hour after taxes!

Also what are the rewards after working here for one year? Free pizza a few months out of the year? One free movie for someone's birthday who isn't even within our department? Monthly Cake? These are rewards you give to children not adults who are handling a bulk of your business. I understand that in any company the salesmen and clients are the most important people because they bring in the money, money your affidavits team never sees. But what of the people who are
following up with the stations making sure that they are airing so we can keep those same clients happy?

I also found my department supervisor to be the most cold, rude and unbearable person I have every worked for. I could not stand being treated like a child much longer. We are watched like hawks and have our days counted by her and yet she turns back around and takes an unlimited amount of days for holidays, vacations, summer half day Fridays and whenever she sees fit. It is unfair to the rest of the staff who must account for every minute we are not in the office.

I have been writing this letter for quite sometime and have wanted to quit for that long as well. But I have held on because I did need the money. Now while I am resting at home I see I could not return to an unhealthy environment where I am overworked and under appreciated.

Thank you for your time,
(insert disgruntled employee name)

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